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Builders & Searchers

Block Properties

Builders need the following data:

Field Where it comes from Notes
feeRecipient validator (builder_registerValidator) Address to receive fees from the block.
gasLimit validator (builder_registerValidator) preferred gas limit of validator
timestamp relay (BN) value for the timestamp field of the new payload
prevRandao relay (BN) from previous slot
extraData builder graffiti from builder, not proposer

Builder Api

All URIs are relative to http://localhost:18550

Method HTTP request Description
getValidators GET /relay/v1/builder/validators Get a list of validator registrations for validators scheduled to propose in the current and next epoch.
submitBlock POST /relay/v1/builder/blocks Submit a new block to the relay.


List getValidators()

Get a list of validator registrations for validators scheduled to propose in the current and next epoch.

  • Used by builders to know when to submit bids for an upcoming proposal.
  • Returns an array of validator registrations for the current and next epoch.
  • Each entry includes a slot and the validator with assigned duty.
  • Slots without a registered validator are omitted.


This endpoint does not need any parameter.

Return type


Name Type Description Notes
fee_recipient String Address to receive fees from the block. [default to null]
gas_limit String Preferred gas limit of validator. [default to null]
timestamp String Unix timestamp of registration. [default to null]
pubkey String BLS public key of validator. [default to null]


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


submitBlock(submitBlock_request, cancellations)

Submit a new block to the relay.

  • Blocks can be submitted as JSON or SSZ, and optionally GZIP encoded. To be clear, there are four options: JSON, JSON+GZIP, SSZ, SSZ+GZIP. If JSON, the content type should be `application/json`. If SSZ, the content type should be `application/octet-stream`.
  • To enable GZIP compression for the request body, the HTTP content encoding should be `gzip`. Compression is optional.
  • The relay will simulate the block to verify properties and proposer payment in the payment transaction from builder to proposer `fee_recipient` at the end of block.
  • For accountability, builder signature is over the SSZ encoded `message`.
  • The `message`, which does not include the transactions, will be made public via the data API, allowing anyone to verify the builder signature.
  • Any new submission by a builder will overwrite a previous one by the same `builder_pubkey`, even if it is less profitable.


Name Type Description Notes
submitBlock_request submitBlock_request A signed bid with an execution payload.
cancellations String If set to 1, opt into bid cancellations. [optional] [default to null]

Return type

null (empty response body)


No authorization required

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json, application/octet-stream
  • Accept: application/json



Name Type Description Notes
slot String [optional] [default to null]
parent_hash String [optional] [default to null]
block_hash String [optional] [default to null]
builder_pubkey String The validator's BLS public key, uniquely identifying them. 48-bytes, hex encoded with 0x prefix, case insensitive. [optional] [default to null]
proposer_pubkey String The validator's BLS public key, uniquely identifying them. 48-bytes, hex encoded with 0x prefix, case insensitive. [optional] [default to null]
proposer_fee_recipient String An address on the execution (Ethereum 1) network. [optional] [default to null]
gas_limit String [optional] [default to null]
gas_used String [optional] [default to null]
value String [optional] [default to null]